“Missions is not the ultimate goal of the church. Worship is. Missions exists because worship doesn’t. …The goal of missions is the gladness of the peoples in the greatness of God.”

– John Piper, Let the Nations Be Glad

“The Lord reigns, let the earth rejoice; let the many coastlands be glad!

– Psalm 97:1

“Let the peoples praise you, O God; let all the peoples praise you! Let the nations be glad and sing for joy!”

– Psalm 67:3-4

“You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth”

– Acts 1:8


At Seacrest, we are committed to being missionally minded. Our desire is that men and women would come to know the grace and goodness of the God who saves. Part of our mission is to support missionaries who take the message of Christ’s love to cultures and communities around the world.

You can find a list of our missionaries below.

African Bible College

Founded by Jack and Nell Chinchen, African Bible College (ABC) operates upper level educational (college/university) facilities in Lilongwe, Malawi; Kampala; Uganda; and Yekepa, Liberia. Each campus has boarding for students. Education includes the usual course study for college students but focuses on a Christian world­view. Many of the children and grandchildren of the Chinchen’s hold positions at these facilities in Africa. ABC also operates a Christian radio station ELWA ( Eternal Love Winning Africa ) that beams the message of hope in Jesus Christ to the entire African continent.

Calvary Bible Mission

Gwen Busby brings her needed ministry to migrants, pickers, farmers, aliens and the poor of Western Delray and Boynton Beach, Florida. “Sister” Busby (as she is affectionately called) , has a huge task in front of her but she is not deterred in her quest to bring the Gospel to “the least of these”. She hosts middle and high school students in her house at all hours of the day and night, teaching them to study and know their Bible and to apply it to all areas of their life. She counsels all ages on unemployment, marital problems, and growth into mature Christians. She is also involved in assisting four churches in the eastern portion of Haïti.

Craig & Heather Gahagen

Craig and Heather have been serving in the Amazon region of Peru since 1989, working under a cooperative agreement between Mission to the World and South American Mission. Craig is a missionary bush pilot, transporting missionaries to remote parts of the jungle where there are no roads. A typical one-hour flight can save a missionary two weeks of traveling by canoe and foot.

South American Mission’s aviation program is called SAMAIR, and in addition to his flying responsibilities, Craig also serves as the SAMAIR program director, and is a member of the SAM Field Leadership Team.

As if flying into short dirt strips isn’t “exciting” enough, the Lord has brought an equally exciting work into being through the family’s hobby of motorcycle racing. Several years ago, a small Bible study began which grew out of relationships built through Craig and daughter Whitney’s interest in racing motocross. It has now grown to a church of almost 300 members – thanks to God’s provision of a gifted Peruvian pastor, who is also a former professional motocross champion! Craig serves as an elder in the church, and he and Heather lead small groups.

They have two children, Whitney and Kara.

Esaïe & Natacha Etienne

Esaïe and Natacha are natives of Haiti who have lived in the U.S. for over 20 years. They were married in 1997 and have three boys. Esaïe has an M.Div. from Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando, Florida and is an ordained minister of the PCA in the Southwest Florida Presbytery. He has been in church planting ministry since 1993 in South Florida, Central Florida, and Haiti. Natacha has a B.A. in elementary education.

In 2006, Esaïe and Natacha decided to return to their homeland for ministry under the umbrella of Mission to the World. After deputation, they moved in 2008 to the city of Gonaives and in 2009 to Port-au-Prince. Following several disasters, Esaïe and Natacha returned to South Florida to live.

Esaïe travels back and forth to Haiti monthly for the ministry. Due to the recent unrest in Haiti, Esaïe and Natacha now operate from their home base in the Dominican Republic. Their ministry is comprised of church planting, leadership training, and mercy ministry, which includes a school for children, a medical mission, and a children’s home.

They have three boys, Ishtyler, Isaiah, and Ishmaiah.

Garry & Anita Chambers

Garry and Anita met at LeTourneau University. Garry, who grew up in southern Florida, dedicated his life to mission service while in high school. Anita was raised in Illinois and Ohio, where her father pastored several churches. She accepted the Lord when she was seven and as a teen, felt God calling her to serve in missions.

From 1982 to 2001, Garry and Anita served in a cooperative agreement with Lumiere Medical Ministries (LMM) in Haiti and then in the LMM home office in North Carolina. In 2001, Garry and Anita accepted a new assignment with Mission to the World (MTW) to serve at the Presbyterian Clinic in Patchakan, Belize as the clinic administrator and nursing manager. They were involved in youth ministry at the Patchakan Church where Garry preached monthly. They helped to improve the evangelism outreach of the clinic by hiring a chaplain to minister to the spiritual needs of the patients. Other responsibilities included coordinating medical visitors and hospitality at the clinic.

The Chambers have three adult children.

Joe & Bev Fitzpatrick

Joe and Bev met at new Life Presbyterian Church in Fitzpatrick Glenside, PA, while Joe was studying for a master of divinity degree at Westminster Theological Seminary and Bev was working as a nurse in a Philadelphia hospital. Joe was preparing for teaching opportunities overseas after graduation and Bev had been on various short-term mission trips prior to meeting Joe. So, when they married in 1995, they pursued missions together.

In 1999, the couple joined the Mission to the World Philippines team in Manila, where Joe taught Old Testament at Presbyterian Theological Seminary and Bev joined visiting medical teams in outreaches to slum areas.

Upon hearing about ministry needs in Puerto Rico, the homeland of Joe’s mother, the Lord opened the way for relocation in 2006. Joe has completed a doctor of ministry in pastoral counseling from Westminster Seminary and is teaching Old Testament and counseling in various seminaries and church-based study centers. Joe and Bev are also involved with Briarwood Presbyterian Church’s San Juan church-plant, La Travesía (The Journey). Bev and the kids tutor at a local public school.

They have three children, Joey, Anna, and Justin.


Son and mother, Ed and Carolyn Thompson oversee Logoi (The Divine Word) ministries. Based in Miami, Florida, Logoi seeks to come alongside and equip Spanish pastors throughout the South American world, particularly in Cuba. Most Spanish pastors are ill­-equipped to minister to the Christian in a comprehensive way. Logoi provides written material, including Bibles and study guides for Pastors so that they can more adequately bring the Word to others. Logoi also creates cottage industries, allowing pastors and members of their small congregations to become self­ustaining.

Mission India

Mission India is just what the name says: bringing missions ( the Word of God ) to the nation of India. Mission India is a multifaceted ministry, involved in planting churches through native church planters, conducting children’s Bible studies and Adult Literacy classes. Seacrest Church supports a specific church planter­ Samuel Lal. A typical day has Samuel evangelizing by visiting families and distributing Scripture to them, bringing people to faith and baptizing them, forming prayer cells for the spread of the Gospel and strengthening new believers and establishing new churches. Samuel ministers in the state of Haryana, District Sirsa.

Roy & Carole Sneed

Roy and Carole Sneed are longtime missionaries in the Arabian Peninsula. For over 30 years now they have been bringing the Good News to this dark portion of the world. Presently, the Sneeds, as senior missionaries, are involved in a ministry titled, “Equipping the Next Generation”. As an engineer by trade, Roy trains other missionaries in communication to those with oral preferences (Arabs) and business issues. Carole stays busy with teaching Farsi. She is a renowned expert in linguistics and is admirably equipped to bring this ministry to help equip others to reach out to Arabs curious about Christianity.

Rusty Wright Ministries

Rusty Wright is founder and president of Rusty Wright Ministries (RWI). This ministry is an internet-­based ministry. Rusty comments on the issues and events of our day­ from media to politics to cultural and psychological issues. He is a much­-in­-demand speaker, traveling extensively to speak at Christian Writer Conferences and prayer breakfasts. His articles are circulated through all of the modern communication avenues such as Twitter, webzines, Facebook, internet, etc. He brings his world­view Christianity into this world by promoting the Christian response to our modern­-day issues.

Satoshi & Cally Kawachi

Satoshi, at age 17, came to Christ through the work of American Missionaries in Japan. After college, Satoshi became an engineer and was involved in church planting ministries in Kobe, Japan. Sensing God’s call to missions, he completed his M.Div. training in Osaka, studied further at Calvin Seminary, received a Th. M. at Westminster Seminary in Philadelphia, and was ordained in the PCA.

At age 8, Cally was baptized and began dreaming of missions. Twenty years later, while teaching English in Japan, her faith in Christ and commitment to missions were further confirmed. She earned a Bachelor of Business Administration from James Madison University.

Satoshi and Cally met in 1992 and married in 1995. They later joined Mission to the World (MTW) and studied French at Laval University in Quebec before arriving in Africa. There, Satoshi was involved in launching the West African Theological Institute where he also helped with administration and teaching.

They now serve as church planters among French-speaking communities in Quebec. Satoshi’s ministry involves assisting gospel-centered church planting efforts, alongside Quebecois Christians, by preaching, teaching, and evangelizing the largest unreached people group in North America, the Quebecois, as well as ever-increasing immigrants, especially Muslims, from the 10-40 window.

They have two daughters, Suzi and Sophi.

Tom & Carol Hudson

Tom and Carol Hudson are serving as Brazilian Church planters in Quincy, Massachusetts. Having a church ­planting ministry in Portugal for 20 years they are well-equipped to reach out to this language group in Quincy. Their church is called Christ the King (Cristo Rei). They are involved in English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) training, prayer groups and networking with other Brazilian congregations in the greater Boston area. Tom is also the Director of Presbyterian Mission International (PMI). The Headquarters for this ministry is in St. Louis, Missouri. Tom’s responsibilities as Director include coordinating mission efforts for 22 missionary families serving in 16 countries. PMI focuses strictly on educating and equipping nationals to take the gospel back to their native countries. Each missionary is a graduate of Covenant Theological Seminary.