I grew up in Chicago, Illinois and attended Irving Park Presbyterian Church in the city. I completed the communicant’s class at Irving Park Presbyterian Church and accepted Christ as my Savior. I was active in both the Sunday School and the Youth Programs through High School. After graduating in 1967 from Lane Technical High School in Chicago, I attended Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa as a Kemper Scholar. I graduated from Drake University in 1971 and went to work for Midwest Mutual Insurance Company. I got married in 1973 and we moved to North Carolina in 1977 where I became Controller of Bankers and Shippers Insurance Company, a Travelers Subsidiary.
I served the Westminster Presbyterian Church in Burlington, North Carolina in the following capacities, Deacon, Treasurer, Elder, Member of the pastor search committee, and as a Member of the committee to merge two churches, East Burlington Presbyterian Church of Burlington and Westminster Presbyterian Church with Westminster Presbyterian Church being the surviving church.
I was divorced from my wife in 1998 and in 2008, I was remarried, moved to Bloomingdale, Illinois, and I transferred my membership to Christ Church of Oak Brook, in Oak Brook, Illinois.

I was employed by IBM as a Data Architect from 1998 thru 2012 .
I was employed by Sears as a Data Architect from 2012 thru 2017 when I retired .
We joined Seacrest Presbyterian Church in 2020 and I lost my wife to cancer in 2021.

I am a serving elder, member of the PTT and I sing in the choir. In addition to my church life, I enjoy scuba diving, teaching swing dancing, sailing, and all modes of traveling.